Welcome to Med.Note.Share!

Ever wanted a quick summary on a particular medical topic? Looking for a first-hand guide to PBLs or clinical examination preparation? Well look no further.

Med.Note.Share is an exciting initiative that shares notes from a variety of topics such as General Medicine, General Surgery, General Practice, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics. The project was initially a culmination of our scribbled notes, overheard mnemonics, anatomy dissections, exam revision and PBL research in our years of medical education as medical students.

We have tried our very best to ensure that the contents are accurate, and we do not take any responsibility should there be any error (because as we all know, there are always advancements in the medical field!).

More recently, Med.Note.Share has also evolved into a repository of a jumble of things medically related including our sister site, Bubbles & Briefcases.

 Bubbles & Briefcases

If there are any discrepancies in the notes that you would like to discuss, or if you would like to request for notes on any particular topic, please feel free to contact us at: mednoteshare [at] hotmail.com

We hope this will aid in your studies! =)

D Cheng - RACP (Paediatrics) Trainee
J Koh - ACEM Trainee